people of the world......SPICE UP YOUR LIFE....

People of the world, every boy, every girl... lol
here are some old time spice girl images that just brought back a lot of memories... lol.. I use to collect those spice girl sticker that came with the spice world fantasy ball lolly pops..ahhh memories.. good times.. lol
I always talk about the spice girl lollipops and no one remembers them!
Spice Girls lollipops.. they use to taste sooooo nice. (wish they still made them)
Old Spice Girl Poster

This Image of scary spice makes me wna put china bumbs in my head.. with the return of the 80's trends in fashion perhaps this will become a big hair trend.

Uhmmmmm Yummy cupcakes...::^__^::


I have been craving some red Velvet Cupcakes for the longest time now!! uhmmm cake, who loves cakes?  aaaaooowh.. *__*

then here is a little treat for you lovelies.. my cake loving freaks of nature... ::^__^::  you've all gots to love this bitch! 

remember how you did it
remember how you did it
if you still wna kiss it
come, come and get it
sweeter than a rice cake
cake worth sipping 

if you're sexy and you know it
and you ain't afraid to show it 

my favourite lyrics from the song lol

Magda Durka..... amazeballs

I thought I would share with you guys the exclusive work from my dear friend and an amazing designer at that! MAGDA DURKA, her collection was based on metaphillian Fairytale and the outcome was phenomenal. 

Shiva the alien goddess elegantly departs from the Metaphilian world
how little does she know of what the future holds

I will upload more on her and her work later so keep your eyes peeled .. she will be opening her Online store in 2 days, I will post a link for you all to go and explore her style.. she is amazing.  


H&M has signed  Lana Del Rey as the face of its Fall 2012 campaign launching in September.
She is a total fashion muse until everyone gets gassed on her style lol however its amazing  how she has been received in the fashion world as a style icon.. maybe not really ICON but close.  Mulberry have named a bag  after her just after she graced the cover of the March issue of British vogue  
“Lana is totally unique, and we wanted to create a print and film campaign that’s just as special,” said H&M creative director Donald Schneider. “The mood is very LA noir and is inspired by our fall collection, which also fits with Lana’s own personal style.”
Del Rey recorded a special version of the song Blue Velvet for the TV ad, at the behest of director Johan Renck.
the new range is described as “modern and feminine with a soft attitude. Curves and waist are important in autumn’s silhouette and colours include powder tones and accessories in wine red.”
I thought this was totally interesting.. since as I like her and her music and I like H&M bargain!

No Doubt - Settle Down

LOVE LOVE :^__^:

Bob Marley n Dubstep... all on one wall....

< << WIRELESS 2012 >> >

Me Totally rocking my long black silk skirt from mink pink, which I love sooo much, a cropped cashmere jumper, a black and gold quilted chain bag and Dc Martens's...outfit completed  with my ever so lovely orange bindi and the incredible Mud fest to top it all off..
Me and my three hot bitches Chingaling, Sally and Elys

Riri Egyptian stage set up. She Rocked it Out!!! she actually made the whole festival what it was.. her performance was EPIC* and I swear I actually would go see her in concert after seeing her perform at the festival.. Sexy Bitch works hard for her money, I am obliged to pose respect and admiration for her workmanship. 

                         It totally rained Rihanna Rated R Balloons


The atmosphere was amaze-balls, everyone seemed happy, wet and muddy yet super excited... insane fun!


AlunaGeorge - You Know You Like It (Official Video)

sourced: fuckin-flows


The Order!!!

Starting over again.
The order!!

source: fuckin-flow tumblr




I am very sorry for laughing but this is funny!!!

Lecs Luther - Dia Dhuit

I am not one for rap music but this kid is talented.. ::^__^::

Drake - Take Care gets me thru .... Thanks drizzy drake!


source: icanread

Know your stuff!! I guess :s



Thanks for flowers, sunsets, rainbows, and then there is me in an eclipsed moment! unique to me as actually become the word I dislike, yhhh we're unique, we're more than unique, we're works of art, we should be hung on museum walls. I set the bar really really high that Its difficult to reach it. This is because I have figured out my Purpose in life, among the rest of things. I was put on this earth to inspire others to follow their dreams and to create what they feel is impossible.

I heard this being said and it totally inspired my ass... I hope it may inspire you also. 

Maison Lesage / Maison Desrues - CHANEL Paris-Bombay Métiers d'Art 2011/12

This is so amazing, it is sooo good to  see how intricate and detailed textiles can get.



Disastro Ecologica by Alberto Seveso 

It's Bieber Time!!!!

People do not judge me as trust me I am totally judging myself on this choice right here.... BUT.. I couldn't help but fall into the Bieber fever craze lol, (a fever that really creeps up on you ::^_+::)I know I should be embarrassed but, Listen to the song or watch the video of him performing on the 'today show' ... thought my taste for this music was insipid but yhhheee check out Justin Bieber "As Long As You Lo Lo Love me" he's Slick on this one. ENJOY!!! 


Who would like to buy this awesome piece of accessory for my lonely arms?  E-BAY !

source: tumblr