No More I Love You's


live performance by Annie Lennox of course. The original was released in 1986 by a band I think called the 'the lover speaks' but Annie made it a hit of her own... I think it is actually best to listen to the original recording (Annie Lennox version)to appreciate where this post is coming from. I merely wanted to share this song and also the amazing ... Annie Lennox. I have such love and appreciation for artistic concepts.. she is an undertaker. #epic.com.. 

something...it has been on repeat for the pass how many hour or so.... bare in mind it is very early morning or rather super late late late night that I am posting this. I just so badly wanted to share the space I am in.

This song is haunting in a positive vibe kinda way, ...lyrical genius is Joseph Hugh and David Freeman.. As diverse artists we all think of music we would cover, well except that the fact that fashion is my main area of focus, however if I had the opportunity I would soooo totally cover this record... the raw, deep emotions stems from a place I could so relay..  


If you watch the voiceUK then perhaps you have heard the cover by Karl Michael .. I absolutely love the tone in his voice plus the arrangements he made on the track. I guess he is the reason I had to pull this track out on have on repeat..

absolutely fabulous voice, I just want him to sing to me all day long.. it has been forever since there as been a male vocalist that emotes lyrics as such...in my opinion that is... he made me feel .. awesomeness!!! ^.^


No more I love you's
The language is leaving me....
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me in silence...
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting
Outside the words
