Trip to Marbella, Puerto Banus with my two lovely girlies..I was looking forward to this trip like a fly is to shit, waiting to get into it ..excuse that metaphor but you get my point!!I enjoyed my time with my girlies but, Marbella? would I ever go back?... uhmm... naaahhh!! I'll probably rethink it that when I become a 'super mega rich kid'.. right now I'm just real and even if I was super duper rich and fly (I am fly) there is a level of humility I reckon I would still hold dearly.. I do not believe I was being paro' as my brain cells are in good working order, however my friends considers me to be... I was cripplingly uncomfortable the whole time..
I was the only woman of colour in that town of Puerto Banus, well  who was a tourist that is.. all the other types of blacks were very chard smelly African men selling fake Celine, Hermes and Gucci  hand bags, purses and fake Ray Bans sunglasses.. they came one after the other, after the other and then another, seriously failing to understand  the concept of 'No Thankyou!'. I understand a man has to win his bread but still.. come on!the worst part was that they all had this strong more than B.O stench which lingered for a further 10 mins after they gave up with the poor sales tactics... Any other black people I saw which were so few worked In very low valued jobs like handing you tissues when you use the toilet in a club or resort of some sort. and even they gave me a hard time because I was a tourist in the area, sooo unheard of... flabbergasted.. I felt quite inadequate as every where I went I got stared down.. any-ways enough of me ranting about the lack of multiculturalism in Marbella, I suppose it is a tourist destination  with a clear market who it is surely feeding. now I can understand why the men at immigration gave me such a hard time entering their turrf...I have a tendency to roll with the punches and select the best moments out of the worst... In all things that is!!!The great stories of my life. "No woman, no cry"
CHINGALING:  a bubbly straight forward kind of woman. with a warm personality, great sense of humour with a genuine heart.. Love her mad!!!
SALALABOO my Iranian sunshine, eastern fashion goddess with the mental capacity to win.. Pure Love.
 Its only me, 'TOTALLY BLESSED'
