Do I dear chance it?

they play it safe or quick to assassinate what they do not understandthey move in packs ingesting more and more fear with every act of hate on one anotherthey feel more comfortable in groups, less guilt to swallow.they are usthis is what we have become, afraid to respect OUR individual, a single person within our circumstance can move one to change,to love ourselvesto evolve

Lana Del Rey - Ride


Monologue for Ride I find so poetically amazing and bottomlessly appreciated. honest and hearty...intensely inspiring.
I listen and I feel every word that forms each descriptive sentence that formulated the entire pictorial backlog of the story.
Who are you? Are you in touch with all your darkest fantasies?

Have you created a life for yourself where you’re free to experience them?
I Have.
I Am Fucking Crazy. But I Am Free.
- Lana Del Rey
'I am falling apart'  

I am assured that what was falling apart were some of my ideas. All I had to do was to endure a period of uncertainty until I could construct ideas that better reflected my situation..

not reliving the memories of what use to be and what is no longer and what would have been.... what is lost and why am I broken..

its the pain of knowing how much of oneself has been invested with time and care... genuine deep rooted love.. 

'some' friendships can be so risky. that's my view from behind the walls... we become exposed to great emotional danger, leaving us feeling insulted, humiliated and completely shattered, broken....dishevelled.. all of the above and more.

The degree of risk we perceive from a friend relates to the levels of confidence we hold in ourselves. It seems when we are feeling confident we are more able to deal with moments of being made to feel invalidated, and when we lack confidence we feel threatened and in danger ..... Where it all began? ... I am still trying to figure out!

 In reflection, there was no need to feel that way. I was just not ready to accept change. I was unable to allow my 'friend' to change. 

 To feel secure in ourselves, we art to be able to make accurate predictions and assumptions. We believe we know our friends well, and so can predict their actions, reactions and reasonings, We paint that mental picture of our friends in all their glory and we want to keep them within the bounds of that image. Our need to do this can override our ability to see our friends in the way they see themselves. We do not want them to change because then we would have to change our image of them and we may have to change in accordance to them..
Change creates uncertainty, and uncertainty can be frightening......

However, our inability to allow change can lead to the end of a friendship. Falling out with a friend shows us that our image of them, from which we derived our predictions about that friend, is wrong; and if that is the case, our sense of being a person is threatened.

You may agree or we may agree to disagree... 

 << < S O L I T U D E > >>

Insecurity knocks from time to time,

invite in for a cup of coffee 

talk with it, understand it!

then take that sugar spoon 

and poke it in the eye!!

I honestly have no clue, however I do somewhat believe that we are all really just desperately searching for "L.O.V.E". To feel the sense of belonging and to feel worthy of love, this makes us rush into any and almost everything that seems illuminating as it appears.

 Sometimes we hang on to toxic things because they are familiar, and that seems safer even when it's incredibly dangerous to our well being. I think some of us are just stuck, or we're confused. we confuse things like infatuation and instant gratification as love and validation.

I think that is what happens to most people. I know it happened to me. Its easy to follow the same pace but sometimes we must slow down... for when we rush we make mistakes!
Just something to think about....



< << (+playlist) >> >


Trip to Marbella, Puerto Banus with my two lovely girlies..I was looking forward to this trip like a fly is to shit, waiting to get into it ..excuse that metaphor but you get my point!!I enjoyed my time with my girlies but, Marbella? would I ever go back?... uhmm... naaahhh!! I'll probably rethink it that when I become a 'super mega rich kid'.. right now I'm just real and even if I was super duper rich and fly (I am fly) there is a level of humility I reckon I would still hold dearly.. I do not believe I was being paro' as my brain cells are in good working order, however my friends considers me to be... I was cripplingly uncomfortable the whole time..
I was the only woman of colour in that town of Puerto Banus, well  who was a tourist that is.. all the other types of blacks were very chard smelly African men selling fake Celine, Hermes and Gucci  hand bags, purses and fake Ray Bans sunglasses.. they came one after the other, after the other and then another, seriously failing to understand  the concept of 'No Thankyou!'. I understand a man has to win his bread but still.. come on!the worst part was that they all had this strong more than B.O stench which lingered for a further 10 mins after they gave up with the poor sales tactics... Any other black people I saw which were so few worked In very low valued jobs like handing you tissues when you use the toilet in a club or resort of some sort. and even they gave me a hard time because I was a tourist in the area, sooo unheard of... flabbergasted.. I felt quite inadequate as every where I went I got stared down.. any-ways enough of me ranting about the lack of multiculturalism in Marbella, I suppose it is a tourist destination  with a clear market who it is surely feeding. now I can understand why the men at immigration gave me such a hard time entering their turrf...I have a tendency to roll with the punches and select the best moments out of the worst... In all things that is!!!The great stories of my life. "No woman, no cry"
CHINGALING:  a bubbly straight forward kind of woman. with a warm personality, great sense of humour with a genuine heart.. Love her mad!!!
SALALABOO my Iranian sunshine, eastern fashion goddess with the mental capacity to win.. Pure Love.
 Its only me, 'TOTALLY BLESSED'




My outfit to the Magna Carta world tour. Black silk blouse from Zara woman, last years' purchase paired with tapered trouser form H&M black with symmetric white prints and my trusty black and white low converses for comfort so I can 'Jump around, Jump up and get down'
No outfit of my is complete without one of my many pairs of converses many meaning three but if I could be a campaign face for converse all star footwear because it would just bring me sheer joy yaaahhh =]
CONVERSE ALLSTARS my favour choice of footwear, TOTAL REBELGEAR
I carried a black and gold chain bag with classic makeup look, Kate Moss for Rimmel 702 lipstick and pin-up styled curly hair updo.

by the end of the night my look was completely trashed as I partied and sweat and sang along to the songs I knew ..(only a few)
anyways London 02 arena presented live nation, #rocnation. To be fair I was never a massive Jay Z fan especially hearing about illuminati affiliations etc... Kinda scared me a little like ich... But I got sooo gassed on him after going to see him performance. totally Epic.com.Was the bomb.
I loved the way he ended the show with the tune forever young it had such a nice atmosphere to the arena with everyone lighting up and singing along. #foreveryoung except reality is always something.




Is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempersWider freeways, but narrower viewpointsWe spend more, but we have less.
We have bigger houses, but smaller familiesMore conveniences, but less time.We have more degrees, but less senseMore knowledge, but less judgementMore experts, but more problemsMore medicines, but less wellness.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too oftenWe have learnt how to make a living, but not a life.We have added years to life, but not life to years.We’ve been all the way to the moon and backBut have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour.We have conquered outer space, but not inner space.We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted our soul.We’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice.We’ve higher incomes, but lower morals.We’ve become long on quantity but short on quality.
These are the times of tall men, and short character;Steep profits, and shallow relationships.These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare,More leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.
These are the days of two incomes, but more divorces;Of fancier houses, but broken homes.It is a time when there is much in the show window, and nothing in the stockroom.
A time when technology can bring this letter to you,
And a time when you can choose,
Either to make a difference …. or just hit, delete

Dalai Lama said that...ish..



< << WATER ME >> >



                     IT'S NOT ALL BLACK AND WHITE THOUGH




 << < PSYCHO - BABBLE >> >


noun, psychology  
A relatively new term that was coined in the late 1970's,by psychologist Dorothy Tennov in the book Love and Limerence: The Experience Of Being In Love which describes the state of being involuntarily obsessed or infatuated with another person. It's a very fatal attraction- with the person who is obsessed feeling that their overblown emotions are reciprocated, whether or not this is actually the case...
I remember studying the Attachment Theory, which emphasises that 'most' of the intense emotions are during the formation period.
Science in formulating LOVE
during the period of Infatuation there is an increase of norepinephrine an dopamine levels in the brain as well as testosterones. now think about the effects of superficial dopamine and norepinephrine - serotonin which is being in the state of estacy just that the receptive compounds of the actual drug... your body naturally releases these chemicals which makes this stage of limerence so confusing yet so addictive to the point one becomes 'crazy in love' which is infact crazy in limerence... 


according to Helen Fish, PhD, author of the book Anatomy of Love. along with the aforementioned, she also mentioned that when we move into the attachment phase there is an increase of vasopressin and oxytocin whilst the other hormones return to its normal state. 
this can explain why people become unfaithful, i think this can also be scientifically proven if I research further, the obsession with limerence can lead to a constant search for this madness,excitement, the constant high on Limerence - think about it.
this word I came across by chance in the Natural Health Magazine but it's not just a new word that I've learnt, its human behaviour all rolled up into one, there is a meaning and a concept and further research to understand the meaning fully. 

Empire State Of Mind


The quieter you become the more you can hear.




No More I Love You's


live performance by Annie Lennox of course. The original was released in 1986 by a band I think called the 'the lover speaks' but Annie made it a hit of her own... I think it is actually best to listen to the original recording (Annie Lennox version)to appreciate where this post is coming from. I merely wanted to share this song and also the amazing ... Annie Lennox. I have such love and appreciation for artistic concepts.. she is an undertaker. #epic.com.. 

something...it has been on repeat for the pass how many hour or so.... bare in mind it is very early morning or rather super late late late night that I am posting this. I just so badly wanted to share the space I am in.

This song is haunting in a positive vibe kinda way, ...lyrical genius is Joseph Hugh and David Freeman.. As diverse artists we all think of music we would cover, well except that the fact that fashion is my main area of focus, however if I had the opportunity I would soooo totally cover this record... the raw, deep emotions stems from a place I could so relay..  


If you watch the voiceUK then perhaps you have heard the cover by Karl Michael .. I absolutely love the tone in his voice plus the arrangements he made on the track. I guess he is the reason I had to pull this track out on have on repeat..

absolutely fabulous voice, I just want him to sing to me all day long.. it has been forever since there as been a male vocalist that emotes lyrics as such...in my opinion that is... he made me feel .. awesomeness!!! ^.^


No more I love you's
The language is leaving me....
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me in silence...
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting
Outside the words


Moi et ma petit frere

Joyeux anniversarie

Fabric store display

Have you ever been to goldhawk road.. Fabric central!

In effect...

I shall call you Enya and Enya you will be.

a mere practice of fashion Illustrations and development of original non templated croquis with characteristics. turning my table napkin doodle into something quite pleasant to look at. breaking it apart to find something interesting that can be used on further design development...

(c) copyright original image

 a natural high is when my creativity runs like a river.. it no longer remains still ...it rushes to its destination and resides there before taking ground and rooting deep. 

all that creative lifestyle means one is constantly broke... hehe ^.^ 

#ANTHERIUM get use to the name. fashion brand to be launched soon....

LARY - System

I am loving this song right now. I love the styling if the video and music R'N'B bass techno max up.
                              eeehh ehh eehh ehh eehhh ehh ehh eeehh... Eeh yyyhhee lol. LOVE LOVE ^.^


Touring around London, going here, going there... picking up this, dropping off that.. It has been such a busy busy day.. but the upside to it is that it is sooo beautiful to be out in the sun, rather I would still prefer to be in the park having a Corona or 2 my fav off course. 

I envy all the people I've seen in Hyde Park and Finsbury Park today enjoying that bottle laying on blankets with ya besties laughing and joking.. I wanna do that..

The angle of which this photo was taken is obviously not very flattering ^.^ but I could resist showing off the fact that I can now but my hair up yhhhh... for the first time in a forever time lol my hair does not look like a 'mop-afro'  so I'm well pleased with that.

Look of  the day
colourful bra, peak that shade strap - vintage because I have had it for so long. lol
Graphic White - Tee
Skinny Black Jeans
Black and white low converses
top off with midnight blue shades - gifted  

not forgetting the Fab Amy Winehouse  'lioness' be booming out my beats' 
Gots' to love that Jazz.. 

can you picture my day?

I love feeling high

Taking a break out the studio and on the landing.
standing straight I look up to the sky and inhale has deeply as I possibly can... let it all out... and look across at the land. I see beauty in this destructive system that has us doomed if we don't come to prioritise what's more important in our lives.

Standing here gives me a feeling of ease' I love that feeling.
it isn't that high only if you were to fall you would surely die lol however it does help you put things into prospective.. in more simpler terms.. its a great place to take a break when you have a lot on your mind. Just don't have a trip and jump. ha'

Pattern master

Pattern Cutting all day, My ass is burning..

Converse in that --- Rebel footwear

I saw this very small Article in Time Out magazine, if you all read that you'll know its great for information on gigs and new artists ect.. its free so you should all read it. Anyway... I saw this little article about sneakers' or in fact the original sneakers in my eyes are Chuck Taylor converse ..

my choice of footwear for seasons. Fashion staple!

The description in the article enthused my interested, it totally hit the nail on the head when describing the personality of the shoes or infact the wearer being an 'eternal free spirit', well the original wearers that is. 

Nowadays it is one of the most popular footwear where almost perhaps 80 - 90% of household totally without a doubt own's a pair of Chuck Taylor All-Stars. The best selling choice of footwear since 1923 or something as such.

 I have several pairs and I continue to love and wear them 95% of the time ^.^ I wear them with everything.. lol

how do you like to wear yours, clean or tramp-style? hehe

I think converses look better when they are worn and dirty, they gain more personality that way.

'I forgive'

Extract from the book I'm reading at the moment shares insight...

I forgive everything and everyone, including you , even thought I don't know what crimes you have committed. I forgive you because I love you and you don't love me, I forgive you because you help me stay close to my devil, even though I haven't thought of him for years. I forgive you because you rejected me and my powers are wasted, I forgive you because you don't understand who I am or what I am doing here. I forgive you and the devil who touched my body before I even knew what life was about. He touched my body and distorted my soul..

Before the sun goes down.

enjoying a bottle of corona on the round about before the sun goes down. .. phew.. long day!!

Highway Rebels. . .

Me and these lovely ladies enjoying an the last of the sun at the end of a very stressful day.. chillaxing on the roundabout enjoying a casual living. You need that every now and again.

Sabali - Patience

below find some super deep lyrics taken from patiences by Nas and Damian Marley (junior gong) I was listening to this song today and it struck me. truely!  

Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kiye
Ni kêra môgô
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kagni
Ni kêra môgô

Some of the smartest dummies, Can't read the language of Egyptian mummies
An' a fly go a moon, and can't find food for the starving tummies!
Pay no mind to the youths...'cause it's not like the future depends on it
But save the animals in the zoo, 'cause the chimpanzee 'dem a make big money.

This is how the media pillages, in the TV the picture is savages in villages
and the scientist still can't explain the pyramids, huh?

Evangelists making a living on the videos of ribs of the little kids

Stereotyping the image of the images, and this is what the image is!!

You buy a khaki pants, and all of a sudden you say a Indiana Jones
An' a thief out gold and thief out the scrolls and even the buried bones
Some of the worst paparazzis I've ever seen and I ever known

Put the worst on display so the world can see and that's all they will ever show
So the ones in the west will never move east and feel like they could be at home

Dem get tricked by the beast
But a where dem ago flee when the monster is fully grown? 
Solomonic linage whe dem still can't defeat and them coulda never clone

My spiritual DNA that print in my soul and I will forever Own .... Lord

Huh, are we born not knowing, or we born knowing all? 
We growing wiser, are we just growing tall? 
Can you read thoughts? can you read palms? 
 Can you predict the future? can you see storms, coming? 

The Earth was flat if you went too far you would fall off.............................................................................
Now the Earth is round if the shape change again everybody woulda start laugh ^____^

The average man can't prove most of the things that he chooses to speak of, yet still won't research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of!

Scholars teach in Universities and claim that they're smart and cunning, tell them find a cure when we sneeze and that's when their nose start running. And the rich get stitched up, when we get cut man a heal dem broken bones in the bush with the wed mud

Can you read signs? can you read stars? 
Can you make peace? can you fight war? 
Can you milk cows, even though you drive cars? 
Can you survive, Against All Odds, Now? 

Who wrote the Bible? Who wrote the Qur'an? 

And was it a lightning storm that gave birth to the earth and then dinosaurs were born? damn!

Who made up words? who made up numbers?  and what kind of spell is mankind under? 

Everything on the planet we preserve and can it, Microwaved it and try it, 
No matter what we'll survive it!

What's hu? what's man? what's human? 

Anything along the land we're consuming eatin', deletin', ruin
Trying to get paper, gotta have land, gotta have acres so I can sit back like Jack Nicholson and watch niggas play the game like the lakers

In a world full of 52 fakers, gypsies, seances, mystical prayers....You superstitious? 
throw salt over your shoulders make a wish for the day cuz like somebody got a doll of me stickin' needles in my arteries but I can't feel it!

Sometimes it's like 'pardon me, but I got a real big spirit'
I'm fearless.... I'm fearless

Don't you try and grab hold of my soul, It's like a military soldier since seven years old
I held real dead bodies in my arms felt their body turn cold, oh

Why we born in the first place If this is how we gotta go? 

Marshall Davis Jones : "Touchscreen" #CLICK

This is such a beautifully written piece of poetry. The truth to it runs so deep that you have to take some time out to really think about what the message really is worth, what it is saying, how we should receive this message. our human race? what human race?

I just wanted to share with you guys and I hope you can all appreciate it has much as I did. Beautifully written.

You want a piece if me?

The artist I am, ha ^.^
Self portraits in expressionist form. learning to look at myself differently is not taken literally.
Think deeper!!
I am a deep thinker, I am a creative soul, I speak gibberish yet it makes perfect sense if you think the way I do. 

Bikram Yoga

A new challenge approached me this week. a months worth of free Bikram Yoga at Bikram Yoga Wimbledon  the catch is, the free sessions are only at 6:30 am and also its a 40 minute journey for me to get there. I thought well that is the beginning of the challenge, something to discipline and to motivate me at the same time. I only see benefits here so what's the problem. I fear that I won't be able to wake up at 5 am. but I shall do it!!

What is Bikram Yoga?

A series of 26 yoga postures and 2 breathing techniques or exercises derived from Hatha Yoga,  taking up to 90 minutes of straight performance in a room heated to approximately 40°C.

 The principle is to work every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, organ and gland, whilst also systematically moving oxygenated blood to the cells of the body.

The heat increases muscle relaxation, blood circulation and minimizes risk of injury. It also strengthens the cardiovascular system and flushes toxins from the body through sweating.

The type and sequence of the stretching and compression postures ensure that the health effects are optimised: massaging all internal organs and stimulating the endocrine and nervous systems (thereby releasing any deficient hormones and enzymes).

The result is the improvement of health to all systems, the reduction of stress, the strengthening of the immune system and the healing of injuries.

 Regularly practising Bikram Yoga can reduce many symptoms of chronic ailments and diseases, including back and joint problems, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, sleep disorders, digestive problems, skin conditions and others.

You will leave each class feeling rejuvenated and energized. Bikram Yoga builds strength, flexibility, grace, balance, and endurance - ultimately promoting the creation of a lean and healthy body inside out.

 At the same time, it has positive effects on mental well-being, making you more productive, focused and balanced, and resulting in an eventual union of the body, mind and spirit.
 - Bikram Yoga Wimbledon 


Janet Jackson

n. An adventurous, unconventional act or undertaking 

- Got 'till It's Gone

As I got older I learnt to truly appreciate this song. I am one who loves watching music video's to the point where the song would depend on the video for me to like it.. I guess that is to do with the fact that I have a very pictorial brain =P

 This video use to really scare me when I was younger, I would totally avoid watching the video but now I am so amazed by the concept , the message is deep and beautiful and taking inspiration is surely made easy. Amazeballs.. Afro vibe all over. #blacklove 

comfort on trend ^__^


I ordered me some pattern pattern and kraft card from Morplan and will be starting my patterns for my new collection for elkface clothing ltd. Stay tuned and be ready to purchase some of my exciting creations hehe. I will upload some photo's soon of some designs. your support will be very much appreciated ..

what is pain..

I have learnt that 'love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about a person that about his/her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable! Do not underestimate the value of my tears, they are not the sign of weakness, but only power! they speak more eloquently than a thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief .. and unspeakable love. love takes hostage, it gets inside you, and eats it's way through then leaves you crying in darkness which leaves scares upon our very soul.We can't live with love or with out love, whether family or friends. We were created to love our creator, the only possible force that cannot hurt or destroy us!

We are born in others pain and perish in our own.